When do I need to see an osteopath during my pregnancy?
You are planning in getting pregnant ? That is a good time to come and see an osteopath. Why ? Osteopathy can help with posture, spinal & pelvic mobility and is useful if you have pre-existing injuries/spinal problems & are concerned.
During pregnancy:
Osteopathy can be of great benefit, addressing to new problems or areas of pain or discomfort that may be a result of the changes the body is undergoing. Osteopathy can treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, and can also be of great benefit to helping prepare expectant mothers for the birth. It can also help your body prepare by correcting pelvic position & flexibility & promoting pelvic floor integrity.
Post natal:
After birth you may be prone to strains & sprains or patterns resulting from the pregnancy and birth and help the body to return to normal. . Osteopaths can help mothers to regain strength and flexibility and help with any lower back or postural problems that may result from the pregnancy or from new positions adopted for feeding, changing and carrying a new born baby. Breast feeding & carrying a baby also add strain on the body.
If you have any questions about how osteopathy and pregnancy, or how we can help you, then please get in touch and call me.