Auriculotherapy – also known as « acupuncture of the ear » – is a medical method developed by Dr. Paul NOGIER in Lyon, France. Based on the reactive properties of the ear, this technique is based on codified knowledge and uses points distributed on the auricular surface according to a precise cartography. Auriculotherapy is now listed by WHO (World Health Organization).
How does auriculotherapy work?
Auriculotherapy is based on the fact that certain areas of the ear are connected to specific areas of the body: these last, by nerve connections, act reflexively on the area of the body in correspondence.
They are then stimulated by frequencies or mechanically.

Cartography of the ear (Paul NOGIER 1987, Copyright © Raphaël NOGIER with his authorization)
Why do auriculotherapy?
Auriculotherapy finds its indications mainly for the treatment of pain (sciatic type, lumbago …), functional disorders (stiffness and limitation in the amplitude of the shoulder, torticollis …), psycho-emotional disorders ( death that we can not accept, anxieties …) but also stopping smoking, among others.
Before beginning a session I do a full interrogation of the consultant to know the reason for his coming. Then, thanks to an electronic pen that determine a differential skin resistance, I can know precisely where is (are) the point (s) to work, and therefore the malfunctions related to the purpose of session.
There are different processes: frequencies, colors and massage points.
– the frequencies are spread over a vobulation of 1.14 Hz to 146 Hz. Each zone of the ear must be treated by a natural frequency.
– the colors have an action by their frequency on the treatments of the emotions.
– the massage points are stimulated by a pressure probe to determine the sensitive area. They will then be massaged by the laying of seeds of vacaria.
Rate : 50 €.
Duration: between 20 and 30 minutes.
If you have a mutual, ask for a refund. I will issue an invoice following your appointment.
The protocol to stop smoking requires minimum 3 sessions spaced a month between. The person coming to consult for the cessation of the tobacco must be fasting of cigarette of at least 6 hours and the session must be done the evening at 6 pm. As protocol requires several sessions it is at the rate is 50 €, and for the orther session it’s 30 €. The use of auriculotherapy has been shown to be effective in stopping smoking.