Cupping therapy
The use of suction cups is a process used since time immemorial to act on various pathologies. This medicine has reflex effects on joint, muscle or ligament mechanics. The action of the suction cups thus makes it possible to decongest and soothe the pain, to revive the circulatory system following shocks or bruises but also to relieve respiratory damage (bronchitis, asthma …) and / or aesthetic (adherent scars … ).
What purpose ?
Placed on the skin, the suction cups act on several levels: vascular, cutaneous, muscular and nervous. The venous circulation, the connective tissue, the inter-aponeurotic spaces, the tendons, the muscles, the cellulite and the nerves are then released from their tension (s) and regain their balance. The suction cup application protocols are based on different points:
– the reflex points or trigger points, sensitive to palpation
– dermatomes, precise cutaneous points having a projection on an organ.

Médecine des Ventouses image par 7thedenspa
When to do a treatment?
A session in suction cup medicine can be done in the context of a chronic pathology or to maintain an optimal state of health, in prevention. The action of the suction cups is particularly recommended for inflammatory pathologies (rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, low back pain …) and traumatic (sprains, contusion, hematomas …).
For those who wish to conserve energy and prevent any energy imbalance in their bodies, the installation of the suction cups is also based on the principle of Chinese medicine, its 5 seasons (spring / wood, summer / fire, off-season / earth, autumn / metal and winter / water) and associated meridian paths.
Suction cups for which pathology (s)?
As stated above, the suction cups act on many issues:
– torticollis, neck pain, migraines, trigeminal neuralgia
– back and pelvic pain
– pathologies of the shoulder and shoulder girdle
– cervico-brachial neuralgia
– elbow tendonitis
– wrist pain in the wrist, wrist tendonitis, rhizarthrosis, carpal tunnel
– algoneurodystrophy of the hand
– gluteal tendonitis, pubalgia
– arthritis pain in the knee, sprained knee, crow’s feet tendonitis
– restless legs syndrome
– ankle sprains
– during muscle strain or stretching
For pathologies of visceral origin, the Shu and Mu points very well known in Traditional Chinese Medicine will allow both energetic and decongestant action on the liver, stomach, spleen and intestines.
There are also protocols for gynecological disorders:
– premenstrual syndrome
– menopause
– hot flashes
Contact and rates
Erwan Motais: 06 61 00 40 61
Trained and certified by Mr. Daniel Henry, I am affiliated to the International Association of Suction Cup Medicine Practitioners.
Price: 50 € duration 30 minutes.